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If we donate to Rezoner and invite more more people to the game, would he return on doing updates?, this game has so much potential that this game shouldn't be abandoned. Since Rezoner can't make money from this game, why would he just keep developing? So I have an idea. If we monthly, again and again, as a lovers, donated to Rezoner for this game, what would happen? If we invite so much people to the game and help Rezoner, would he return?

Because this game needs to get continued as hell. Please have some activity at InstantOnline forum, here. Is this game open-source? If Rezoner won't, can some people just continue this amazing game?

Please... This game's so awesome that it's even being played after 2 years of no updates. Please. Guys, listen. Do something. Should we donate to him? Should we call people? Should we continue on the development and updates of this game? Please don't leave this game alone ever!

Fri May 08 2020 17:28:30 GMT-0400 (EDT) by The 0zan

Discussion (7)

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Aelizia Fri May 08 2020 18:37:14 GMT-0400 (EDT)

I dont think donating would help. 1: too few people that would be willing to donate 2: the eventual stop of these donations and therefore not a consistant revenue. This is a nice message and all, but i have serious doubts that this game will someday be back on its feet

The 0zan Sat May 09 2020 17:46:42 GMT-0400 (EDT)

Even your mention of the probability that game will be back on it's feet, it just gave me hope. Even your serious doubt has an exit way. :)

Arcanine_ Wed May 13 2020 19:50:29 GMT-0400 (EDT)

I think the game is past its prime, and it probably won't last too much longer. If we tried this, it might bring back some players, but they'd leave just as quickly.

Press F Tue May 19 2020 23:20:09 GMT-0400 (EDT)

Besides, the OGs who playd this game would never come back I think, they're probobley playing other games that got their interest, thats why most people quit games :/.

kingof2000 Fri May 22 2020 13:57:51 GMT-0400 (EDT)

If at least this autologin lag would be fixed it is a great start. Plus i am an old player and am playing since release.

kingof2000 Fri May 22 2020 14:01:30 GMT-0400 (EDT)

He could just put in the old gamemodes like capture the flag or surviving waves of ai nerf the scythe and put it in the shop bring back the markets in the map/ogre/yeeti

these three things were already in the game once and would bring back some of the old players and a lot of new ones

hasvik Wed Jun 03 2020 20:36:00 GMT-0400 (EDT)

este juego me hizo pasar buenos y malos momentos hace 4 años lo deje por que ya no ocupaba mi computadora este juego es genial recuerdo casi todas las actualisaciones lamentablemente casi todos los que jugamos somos niños o adolecentes y no tenemos dinero como para donara este grandiosos juego si pudiera lo aria pero no puedo tengo 13 años y estaria bien donar pero que se repitan las antiguas actualizaciones los antiguo mapas