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I'm tired of goal stealers - Implement Assists?

It's ridiculous how many people playing this game just run straight to the goal and stand there and wait for you to do all of the work just to steal it as it's going in. It's making the game less fun when you have to try and run around the goalie and walk the ball in because it's the only way to not have your hard-earned goal stolen from some freeloading player (usually a guest). Maybe if assist credits were implemented it would taper this some. Or perhaps create a "zone restriction" where you can only stand in the goal box for so long at one time before it reloads you to the center of the pitch. Just a thought.

Mon Dec 17 2018 15:08:07 GMT-0500 (EST) by AndAnothaOne

Discussion (9)

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Quickscope Mon Dec 17 2018 15:26:12 GMT-0500 (EST)

it doesn't actually matter, you still get the point

Quickscope Mon Dec 17 2018 18:37:08 GMT-0500 (EST)

oh wait nvm you get more points if u score urself i think

GamingWithBOA Thu Dec 20 2018 01:19:27 GMT-0500 (EST)

yep that is true

GamingWithBOA Fri Dec 21 2018 02:10:55 GMT-0500 (EST)

good job quickscope u are in the 1st place

Gwirtholomew Wed Dec 19 2018 18:01:57 GMT-0500 (EST)

Marx was kinda right in some points,competitivity really decrease the fun. For example, in the begining I only care about having fun and winning the game with my teammates,I didnt care about making goals .Just winning,sometimes even losing the game,it was enought to be a great fun time

After I started to get into ranks and stuff I began to cara more about goals, and that cut off the fun a little .but thats fine

Quickscope Fri Dec 21 2018 08:26:43 GMT-0500 (EST)

you're one of them people that stand in front of the goal so you steal goals

AndAnothaOne Thu Dec 27 2018 08:52:37 GMT-0500 (EST)

Yep Quickscope - basically what he is saying. Instead of "caring more about goals" by goal blocking why don't you just practice and get better at dribbling and moving?

Gwirtholomew Thu Dec 27 2018 09:29:39 GMT-0500 (EST)

I dont do this ( goal blocking). I just shared a feeling,that might be behind that behavior of stealing goals. Improving my game is also fun.

Quickscope Thu Dec 27 2018 18:12:58 GMT-0500 (EST)

no no. im saying i was in a game with him once and he stood in front of the goal