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can I use upload button with steam version?

hi. I bought this standalone version in steam. but I can't use upload button. that said, become a patron or buy it in no help for steam user?

Wed Jul 17 2019 01:06:56 GMT-0400 (EDT) by iblis

Discussion (4)

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rezoner Wed Jul 17 2019 05:27:17 GMT-0400 (EDT)

Yes sure! It only requires a FREE patreon account. Let me know if that doesn't work for you.

iblis Wed Jul 17 2019 08:40:33 GMT-0400 (EDT)

no, only basic/premium (2/5$ per month) or bought it in users can use upload project button in browser, not free and bought in steam(like me) users. I think that is import function and still I can use it in my desktop application. but I paid 24 usd in steam, (same value in but I can't use it in browser. so I feel unhappy.

rezoner Wed Jul 17 2019 09:52:15 GMT-0400 (EDT)

Yeah I get you. This must be an error - let me investigate it :)

LasagnaCreeper Tue Jul 23 2019 22:28:26 GMT-0400 (EDT)

it still doesn't work, could you please add a login with steam?