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I need to recover

Hello everyone

This last month I realized that I am no longer the same player as before

It is not presumed, but before I was an unstoppable player, that's why I reached the top where I am now, but now I'm just a rookie ahahaha :(

The gym, school, soccer, love relationships, and things that I have to do in my daily life, have made me not have time to play this great game that I love

And I only have 2 options

1 Leave this game forever

2 Try to raise my level again, playing normally against strong players

If anyone wants to play against me, let me know in the comments of this post, I will read them all

I will try to rise to my level, to live up to my points I will make "Ronaldo 7" the best


Fri Aug 09 2019 18:32:40 GMT-0400 (EDT) by Ronaldo 7

Discussion (7)

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chesstitans Fri Aug 09 2019 21:57:54 GMT-0400 (EDT)

You are saying the same thing I am going through. I now go back to where I just have 3k - 4k points. I even often fail to keep the ball, win back the ball, and make close-range score.

Nevertheless, I am fine now, I do not want to become a top player, but a creative player.

UhaveLargeDik Sat Aug 10 2019 03:54:40 GMT-0400 (EDT)

I first played this game 9 months ago (under a different account) and i am still the worst noob i n the game.

chesstitans Sat Aug 10 2019 13:37:17 GMT-0400 (EDT)

what account name was that ? If you tell me, I may still remember.

UhaveLargeDik Sat Aug 10 2019 15:49:55 GMT-0400 (EDT)

it is called fAWZAN

chesstitans Sun Aug 11 2019 22:42:54 GMT-0400 (EDT)

I do not recall the name, sorry.

Tolstoy Sat Aug 10 2019 09:10:46 GMT-0400 (EDT)

Hey Ron 7 Why you are saying like that. It doensn't matter to be the BEST PLAYER for me in the game. Just have a fun. If I to be honest, I enjoy playing with you, chess, thib etc. in the game. Just focus on that..See you

demetris Sat Oct 19 2019 13:22:37 GMT-0400 (EDT)

Ur the best and play against you.