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Overcoming Lust: Get to know her

Have you ever seen someone and thought man I wish I could get that(not objectifying it's just strong sexual desire) for 1 night and not say anything and just do all sorts of things but not hurt her.

Have you ever thought, if only she was a bit kinder or had a better heart I would risk my life for her.

There are people that are shockingly immoral but look good, I'm talking 90+ top tier level ones, you just wish they were smarter they questioned things more often. You wish they were kinder. Wish they didn't laugh when a guy slapped a guy, or she didn't call another girl a fat cunt or call another girl jealous.

I hate this feeling, there are people who need my attention but never get it and all goes to these stupid fuckwit bitches I would never trust as a friend and if I'm being absolutely 100% honest I objectify them.

Sometimes your heart is your own enemy, it prevents you from bullying someone and laugh at someone being bullied, it prevents you from making the move on someone you love for real but just based on their looks, if they were meaner you would've loved them to the core..I know how it feels to be helpless or get beat up, it's just a matter of time I'll get angry again(not on the internet cuz trolls are trolls and some are funny but on serious topics I give their shit back) and feel helpless and put myself in their position, this allows me to understand the situation better than others but my insticts just tell me to stand still.

No, you don't love that person get as far away as possible, when everything's done get away and I promise you'll realise just how much of an idiot you were.

I don't really like One Direction and their beliefs or 2Pac, I think they have dogshit biased and unresearched beliefs, but I like their music and recognise good music for good music and choose to put aside the bad aspect.

All you need to do is recognise the bad aspect of someone you have some crush on physically and keep repeating whatever you find disgusting to yourself, you'll realise it was an awesome experience you got to deal with people like this and now know better :)

Thu Nov 25 2021 04:44:08 GMT-0500 (EST) by Cristiano7

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arriba peru Tue Dec 07 2021 13:34:40 GMT-0500 (EST)

:/ ok thats enough....